Over the past five years, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) has led the BOOST Collaborative, a Structured Learning Collaborative originally launched as a pilot in Vancouver. BOOST stands for Best-Practices in Oral Opioid agoniSt Therapy.
The success of the Vancouver pilot led to a provincial-level BOOST Collaborative, which then transitioned to a Quality Improvement (QI) Network. BOOST has brought together more than 40 healthcare teams from across the province, with a common aim of improving care for clients living with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). These teams have successfully achieved this by systematically implementing, measuring and sharing best practices in Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT). These initiatives have served similar purposes and have shown exceptional success in achieving their objectives. During the course of the Collaborative, we have seen clients, healthcare providers, and community partners come together to learn from and share with one another.
Building on the success of BOOST to date, we are launching a targeted, small-scale Collaborative in the Interior Health region to further expand the number of clients living with OUD that are receiving appropriate treatment and being retained on therapy. The BC-CfE has been able to secure additional funding through Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addiction Program (SUAP) and the Shared Care Committee to partner with Interior Health Authority to deliver a targeted approach in the Interior Health region. Using the same framework and structure used for BOOST, we will launch a small-scale Collaborative in June where participating teams will be supported by virtual learning events, quality improvement coaching, monthly feedback reports, and access to expert faculty. Quality improvement metrics along with qualitative change descriptions will be collected regularly from participating teams to track progress over the course of the Collaborative.