Data & Monitoring

As part of the BC-CfE’s mandate to evaluate the outcomes of STOP HIV/AIDS® programming in BC, we have developed quarterly HIV/AIDS monitoring reports. These reports provide up-to-date data on a variety of key HIV-related surveillance and treatment indicators. Selection of these indicators was achieved through a collaborative process with various Health Authority (HA) representatives. There are six reports in total, one for each HA and one for the province of BC as a whole. In addition, there is a technical report which explains how each HIV indicator is calculated. Data used in these reports come from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), MSP billings, hospitalization data from the Discharge Abstract Database, the Sunquest Laboratory database at the Provincial Public Health Microbiology and Reference Laboratory, Providence Health Care laboratory and the BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program (DTP) Database.

These reports are produced for the benefit of individual HAs. As such, we are enthusiastic about your involvement and cooperation regarding the development of these monitoring reports. Please forward your comments and queries to Mark Helberg, Senior Director, Internal and External Relations & Strategic Development at

Report Objectives

  • Provide timely, HA-specific information on key HIV indicators to guide and inform HIV leaders and innovators in the development of future HIV interventions and programs, which will ultimately lead to a decreased HIV burden in BC. The indicators reflect ongoing or past successful public health interventions and highlight areas along the HIV continuum of care requiring further attention and support.
  • Highlight limitations in our current data due to incomplete or time lagged data and to develop future strategies to improve complete and timely data capture.

STOP HIV/AIDS® Monitoring & Evaluation Technical Report

HIV Monitoring Reports

Pilot Phase Quarterly HIV Monitoring Reports

Operational Budget